Thesis topics

Asymptomatic carotid diseases: how to treat?

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Menyhei


Management of venous ulcer

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Menyhei


Current treatment of varicose veins: comparison of endovenous and open procedures

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Menyhei


Assessement of outcome after carotid endarterectomy in locoregional anaesthesia

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Menyhei


Long-term outcome after endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysm

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Menyhei


Acute limb ischaemia: open surgery or endovasular treatment?

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Menyhei


Analysis of oxidative stress following lower limb vascularisation

Suprervisor: Dr. Endre Arató


Surgery of supraaortic branches

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Kasza


Changing approach in the surgery of aorto-iliac system

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Kasza


Options for endovascular surgery

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Kasza


Clinical analysis of peripheral endovascular interventions

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Kasza


Surgical investigations for reducing reperfusion injury in vascular surgery (Clinical work)

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Jancsó


The mechanism and clinical relevance of ischaemic postconditioning (Literature work)

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Jancsó


Experimental investigations of ischaemic postconditioning (Experimental work)

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Jancsó


Diagnosis and treatment for carotid disease

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Jancsó


Surgical treatment for aortic dissection

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Jancsó


Endovascular treatment of traumatic thoracic aortic ruptures

Supervisor: Dr. László Benkő


Complex treatment of extensive arterial ulcers - current advances in modern wound management

Supervisor: Dr. László Benkő


Infections in vascular surgery - options for managing infected vascukar prothesis

Supervisor: Dr. László Benkő


Efficiency of VATS sympathectomy in vasospastic syndrome of upper limb

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Fazekas


Carotid thrombendarterectomy after TIA: New guideline, higher perioperative risk?

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Fazekas


Hyperperfusion syndrome, the significance of perioperative tension control

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Fazekas


Popliteal aneurysm: Endovascular or open repair?

Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Fazekas